

Sunday, February 27, 2011

On The Topic of Celebrities

So, it's the Oscars 2011, and yes, I am watching the Red Carpet.  I can't help it.  It is the one Awards Show I look forward to every year.  I will most likely never see the festivities first-hand, nor wear anything close to an Oscar gown, but I do get excited for the night.

This year, I haven't seen many of the movies nominated (the perils of living in the middle of nowhere without a movie theater), but many of my favorites are up for awards.  I get excited when they win, and then I usually feel a little silly about the excitement.  While watching tonight, in the midst of completing several household chores, I began to think about those feelings.

We often feel connected to our favorite celebrities, as if they are friends.  And when friends are honored, we are excited for them.  Why do we feel so connected to these celebrities (which probably, and rightfully, creeps them out to a certain extent)?  Well, in today's social media, we can actually interact with them, which can cross into the realm of "knowing" them, but I don't think that's really it.

Why do I feel like I know Tom Hanks, Leo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Reese Witherspoon, Renee Zellweger, and countless others?  For that matter, several musicians also fit into that level of familiarity.  I think it's because they are often part of the meaningful moments of my life.  Via music and movies, they are in my home.  In the background of good news, like getting that college acceptance letter, and devastating news, like learning a loved one is sick.  They are part of the background of bonding with new friends and old friends, and part of the life of romance.  They hold the memories of those moments.  When someone is part of the best and worst times of your life, or simply there as the go to movie or music to brighten a day, shouldn't there be a feeling of familiarity?  I think so.  So tonight, I will not feel strange in being happy for strangers being celebrated.  Instead, I will be thankful for the laughter, tears, and memories they represent.

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